Queer dating can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it's important to be aware of potential red flags that could indicate a problematic relationship. To help you navigate the world of queer dating, we spoke to 12 queer women about their biggest dating red flags. Whether you're new to the dating scene or a seasoned pro, their insights can help you recognize warning signs and make more informed decisions.

Are you tired of falling for the wrong person? These 12 women have some valuable insights to share when it comes to dating red flags. From inconsistent communication to a lack of respect, their experiences will give you a heads up on what to watch out for. Don't let yourself get caught in a toxic relationship - take it from these women and learn to spot the warning signs early. For more dating tips and advice, check out this website for some helpful insights.

Communication Issues

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One of the most common red flags in dating is a lack of communication. Whether it's difficulty expressing emotions, avoiding important conversations, or being unresponsive to messages, poor communication can be a major source of conflict in a relationship. As Sarah, a 27-year-old lesbian, explains, "If someone can't communicate openly and honestly with me, it's a huge red flag. I need to feel comfortable expressing my thoughts and feelings, and I want my partner to do the same."

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Inconsistent behavior can also be a red flag in dating. Whether it's flakiness, hot-and-cold behavior, or frequent cancellations, inconsistency can leave you feeling uncertain and unimportant. "I once dated someone who would be super attentive one day and then completely MIA the next," says Emily, a 30-year-old bisexual woman. "It made me feel like I was constantly on edge, never knowing what to expect."

Lack of Respect

Respect is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship, and a lack of respect can be a major red flag. Whether it's disrespecting your boundaries, dismissing your opinions, or making hurtful comments, it's important to pay attention to how your partner treats you. "I once dated someone who would constantly belittle me in front of others," says Taylor, a 25-year-old pansexual woman. "It was a huge wake-up call for me that I deserved better."

Unwillingness to Compromise

Compromise is a key component of any successful relationship, and an unwillingness to compromise can be a major red flag. Whether it's always having to have things their way, refusing to make sacrifices, or being inflexible, a lack of compromise can lead to resentment and conflict. "I once dated someone who was always unwilling to meet me halfway," says Alex, a 29-year-old queer woman. "It made me feel like my needs and desires didn't matter."

Emotional Unavailability

Emotional availability is essential for a healthy relationship, and emotional unavailability can be a major red flag. Whether it's keeping their emotions guarded, avoiding intimacy, or being unable to connect on a deeper level, emotional unavailability can leave you feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. "I once dated someone who seemed incapable of opening up to me," says Jamie, a 31-year-old lesbian. "It made me feel like I was always the one putting in effort, while they held back."


Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation that can be a major red flag in dating. Whether it's denying your experiences, making you doubt your perception of reality, or shifting blame onto you, gaslighting can be incredibly damaging to your self-esteem and mental well-being. "I once dated someone who would constantly make me feel like I was overreacting or imagining things," says Riley, a 26-year-old bisexual woman. "It took a toll on my mental health."

Controlling Behavior

Controlling behavior is another red flag to watch out for in dating. Whether it's trying to dictate your actions, isolating you from friends and family, or monitoring your every move, controlling behavior can be a sign of an unhealthy and potentially abusive relationship. "I once dated someone who would always try to control what I did and who I spent time with," says Jordan, a 28-year-old pansexual woman. "It made me feel like I was losing my independence."

Unresolved Baggage

Unresolved baggage from past relationships or personal issues can also be a red flag in dating. Whether it's carrying emotional baggage, harboring unresolved trauma, or refusing to address their own issues, unresolved baggage can lead to unhealthy dynamics and conflict in a relationship. "I once dated someone who clearly hadn't dealt with their past relationships," says Sam, a 32-year-old queer woman. "It created a lot of unnecessary drama and tension."

Lack of Accountability

Accountability is an important aspect of any healthy relationship, and a lack of accountability can be a red flag. Whether it's refusing to take responsibility for their actions, shifting blame onto others, or avoiding accountability altogether, a lack of accountability can lead to a toxic and unbalanced dynamic. "I once dated someone who would never apologize or admit when they were wrong," says Casey, a 27-year-old lesbian. "It made me feel like I was always the one having to compromise."

Boundary Crossing

Respecting boundaries is crucial in any healthy relationship, and boundary crossing can be a major red flag. Whether it's disregarding your boundaries, pushing you to do things you're uncomfortable with, or violating your consent, boundary crossing can lead to feelings of violation and distrust. "I once dated someone who would constantly push my boundaries and make me feel guilty for setting limits," says Avery, a 29-year-old bisexual woman. "It made me feel like my needs didn't matter."


Evasiveness can be a red flag in dating, as it can indicate a lack of transparency and honesty. Whether it's being vague about their intentions, avoiding important conversations, or withholding information, evasiveness can lead to feelings of distrust and uncertainty. "I once dated someone who would always dodge questions about their past and their feelings," says Morgan, a 30-year-old pansexual woman. "It made me feel like I couldn't trust them."

Unwillingness to Grow

Finally, an unwillingness to grow and evolve can be a red flag in dating. Whether it's refusing to work on personal growth, being resistant to change, or stagnating in their personal development, an unwillingness to grow can lead to feelings of stagnation and dissatisfaction in a relationship. "I once dated someone who seemed content to stay exactly the same, without any desire to grow or improve themselves," says Taylor, a 26-year-old queer woman. "It made me feel like we were on different paths."